11.9.2024 Marketing Effectiveness System Certificate

290,00 390,00 

In today’s fast-paced marketing landscape, it’s crucial to have a unified framework for measuring the impact and value of our efforts. Without a clear definition of success, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of metrics and KPI’s, confusing effectiveness with efficiency. This can lead to short-term gains at the expense of sustainable long-term growth.

The Swedish Advertiser Association has developed the “Effectiveness System,” which is an industry standard that will help marketers and their partners better understand how market communication works by measuring the right things in the right way. It includes selected key figures, how they are defined and guidelines for how they should be measured and reported. Using the “Effectiveness System” helps by:

· Clearly showing and strengthening the link between marketing and business value.
· Supporting good marketing effectiveness reporting.
· Providing the industry with common definitions and guidelines.

The course is organized in collaboration with The Swedish Advertisers Association.

To really increase the impact and value of our marketing communications, we need to speak the same language and understand the basics of what creates effect and how to measure it – from board and top business management to marketers, agencies and media. All forms of marketing communication needs to create value for the business, in some way it need to positive influence the awareness, attitudes and behavior of different target groups in the desired way. It does not matter if it is in bought, own or earned channels, or if the purpose is to strengthen the brand in the long term or drive short-term sales.
A marketer certified in the “Effectiveness System” have greater opportunities for really show the value generated by marketing communication investments as well as explain what needs to be done to increase the effect further on. If a marketer and its partners both are certified, it generates better cooperation and understanding of the role that marketing communication plays for the company and therefore can align common goals. Then together we can demonstrate that market communication creates business value and drives profitable growth.

After attending the course that is approx. 3,5 hrs all attendees will receive an email with link to a digital test. After completing the test (need 80 % right to be certified) a certificate will be emailed automatically sent from the platform as a pdf. At the platform there is also a badge that the attendee can download together with a text that they can use at LinkedIn. All attendees will also be able to download a user guide in English.

390 e (normal price)
340 e (Marketing Finland Members)
290 e (Marketing Finland Academy members)

VAT 25,5 % will be added. The certification program is not included in the Marketing Finland Academy licence.

The registration for the training is binding, as the online course will only be conducted if the minimum number of participants is reached. Registration can still be canceled until September 6, 2024.

Link to read more about the ”Effectiveness System”: https://www.sverigesannonsorer.se/branschinitiativ/effekt/effektsystemet/#

Link to read more about the certification: https://www.sverigesannonsorer.se/branschinitiativ/effekt/effektcertifiering-2-0/

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  • Henkilökohtainen koulutuslisenssi jäsenille 39 €/kk/12 kk tai 129€/kk
  • Henkilökohtainen koulutuslisenssi muille 129€/kk/12 kk tai 239€/kk
  • Yrityslisenssi jäsenille hlömäärän mukaan alkaen 129€/kk

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Opiskele silloin, kun sinulle sopii juuri niistä aiheista, jotka ovat sinulle ajankohtaisia.

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Hintoihin lisätään alv. 25,5%

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