2.3. Digital Marketing Communications Best Practise Recommendations by EASA


EASA – the European Advertising Standards Alliance is the single authoritative voice on advertising self-regulation. EASA promotes high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation, for the benefit of consumers and business in Europe and beyond.

Effective advertising self-regulation helps ensure responsible advertising, meeting consumers’ demand for honesty and transparency, regulators’ demand for responsibility and engagement and businesses’ demand for freedom to operate responsibly. EASA and its members have developed a robust and coherent system of advertising self-regulation that can respond effectively to new challenges.

EASA is not a Self-Regulatory Organisation (SRO) in itself, but acts as a co-ordination point for best practice in the implementation of self-regulation, as well as operational standards for its national SRO members. Part of EASA’s role involves coordinating the cross-border complaint mechanism, EASA also collects and analyses top line statistical data on received and resolved complaints, as well as on copy advice requests and pre-clearance from its SRO members each year.

EASA was set up in 1992 to represent national self-regulatory organisations in Europe; in 2004 EASA developed into a partnership between national advertising SROs and organisations representing the advertising industry. Today, EASA is a network of 54 organisations committed to making sure advertising is legal, decent, honest and truthful. EASA’s membership is made up of 38 SROs from Europe and beyond, and 16 advertising industry associations, including advertisers, agencies and the media. EASA is a not-forprofit organisation with a Brussels-based Secretariat.


EASA editorial team
Oliver Gray – EASA Director General
Chiara Elsa Odelli – Project and EU Affairs Officer
Jennifer Pearson – Communications Manager

Date of publication
May 2015

Executive Summary

EASA established its first Digital Marketing Communications Best Practice Recommendation (DMC BPR) in 2008 to provide guidance to SROs in EASA membership when enlarging their remit to cover digital marketing communications. The DMC BPR builds on the principles outlined by the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) Consolidated Code on Advertising and Marketing Communication Practice (www.iccwbo.org) to ensure the application of self-regulation in the digital space.

Given the quick paced evolution of new digital and interactive marketing techniques developed in the recent years EASA identified the need to revise the Recommendation and ensure the effectiveness of advertising self-regulation. This document is the result of extensive discussions involving media, agencies, advertisers, Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) and key external stakeholders.

The updated EASA Digital Marketing Communications Best Practice Recommendation:

  • Reconfirms the advertising Industry’s commitment to apply effective advertising self-regulation (SR) to all media, including digital marketing communications;
  • Recognises the global nature of digital media and the need to develop a coordinated response across EASA’s membership;
  • Provides clear guidance to EASA’s SRO members on how to determine whether content under review is a marketing communication in the digital space;
  • Encourages local SROs and advertising industry representatives to ensure that the self-regulatory remit at national level is aligned with the recommendations set out in this document;
  • Identifies a non-exhaustive list of digital marketing communications practices which are recommended to be in SRO’s remit;
  • Identifies forms of digital content which lie outside of SRO’s remit under all circumstances.

Ladattavissa kokonaisuudessaan: [button link=”//marketingfinland-1d025.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/02/EASA-Digital-Marketing-Communications.pdf”]EASA Digital Marketing Communications[/button]

2.2. EASA Best Practice Recommendation on Online Behavioural Advertising

EASA Best Practice Recommendation for a European Industry-wide Self-Regulatory Standard and Compliance Mechanism for Consumer Controls in Online Behavioural Advertising


The European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) is the single authoritative voice on advertising self-regulation issues and promotes high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation, while being mindful of national differences of culture, legal and commercial practice. These standards are promoted, for example, via EASA’s Advertising Self-Regulatory Charter and EASA’s Best Practice Recommendations.

As a non-profit organisation based in Brussels, it brings together 34 (of which 26 in Europe) national advertising self-regulatory organisations (SROs) and 16 organisations representing the advertising industry (advertisers, agencies, the various forms of traditional and digital interactive media (including IAB Europe)) in Europe and beyond. For a listing of EASA’s members please see section 10.

The EASA Best Practice Recommendation (BPR), for a European industry-wide selfregulatory standard and compliance controls in Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA), is intended to contribute to providing a host of consumer privacy protections for OBA through self-regulation across Europe.

It provides a comprehensive self-regulatory solution for Online Behavioural Advertising, which complements IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) Europe’s Online Behavioural Advertising Framework and establishes an industry-wide standard. The features of this response are:

  • A complete and integrated self-regulatory solution for OBA;
  • A coherent minimum harmonised approach to be implemented across the EU / EEA;
  • A pan-European industry-wide approach and standard;
  • OBA User Choice Site for consumer feedback and complaints;
  • Robust and effective self-regulatory enforcement mechanisms.

The EASA BPR has been the subject of consultation with broad industry and non-industry stakeholders and discussion in two dedicated EU Round Tables led by DG InfSo of the European Commission on self-regulatory solutions in the area of Online Behavioural Advertising.

It was adopted by EASA’s Board on April 7 2011 and sent to national SROs in Europe and EASA industry members for national implementation. EASA has committed to ensure at least 70% of its EU SROs have implemented the BPR within a year (i.e. by the end of April 2012).


Overview of the Best Practice Recommendation for EASA Industry and SRO members on Online Behavioural Advertising

This Best Practice Recommendation recommends that:

EASA industry members should:

  • Clearly request their members to support the adoption at local level of rules on Online Behavioural Advertising based on this best practice;
  • Clearly request their members to support the adoption at local level of the new remit and rules for the handling of complaints on Online Behavioural Advertising by selfregulatory organisations (SROs);
  • Establish a clear agreement with the ad networks regarding the handling of complaints of a non-technical nature by the advertising self-regulatory bodies;
  • Ensure adequate industry awareness of the above amongst their members;
  • Ensure adequate and comprehensible consumer awareness of the above;
  • Ensure the necessary linkup with the consumer controls page to create a one stop shop for consumer feedback and complaints;
  • Ensure the necessary linkages between industry compliance monitoring reports and the complaint handling processes;
  • Establish robust measures for sanctions related to repeat offenders or rogue traders.

EASA member self-regulatory organisations (SROs) should agree with their local advertising industry and Online Behavioural Advertising partners to:

  • Extend their remit beyond marketing communications content to include the handling of complaints regarding Online Behavioural Advertising;
  • Include a new section in the applicable codes covering provisions for Online Behavioural Advertising based on this best practice;
  • Put in place the necessary procedures to handle complaints on Online Behavioural Advertising including the consultation of experts, relevant organisations and linkup with industry monitoring compliance reports on OBA;
  • Ensure adequate industry awareness of the above;
  • Ensure adequate and comprehensible consumer awareness of the above;
  • Provide a clear and comprehensible means via the OBA User Choice Site for consumers to feedback on technical issues (e.g. pertaining that the opt out link or button has not worked but not that a company has refused to fix a technical fault) and make complaints to SROs where necessary;
  • Ensure a clear referral system and assistance for consumer feedback on technical issues to the OBA User Choice Site.

The EASA BPR has contributed to the revision process for the International Chamber of Commerce’s Consolidated (ICC) Code on Marketing Communication and Advertising, for which a new section will deal with digital interactive media including addressing Online Behavioural Advertising. The new Consolidated ICC Code is expected to be launched in September 2011.

Ladattavisssa kokonaisuudessaan: [button link=”//marketingfinland-1d025.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/02/EASA-Best-Practice-Recommendation-on-Online-Behavioural-Advertising.pdf”]Online Behavioural Advertising[/button]