Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulun ‘Liiketalous ja Media’ -yksikön lehtori, B2B-myynnin vastuuvalmentaja sekä VIRMA-hankkeen projektipäällikkö.
Koulutukseltaan Vesa on elektroniikan DI ja hänellä on myös opettajan pätevyys. Taustalla yli 10 vuoden työkokemus Nokia Oystä.
Avainsana: Virtuaalimatkailu
Kaisa Kosonen
Kaisa is an experienced, energetic and self-driven digital development, travel industry and B2B sales professional. She enjoys looking at the big picture and putting together concrete strategies and roadmaps together with the stakeholders. When there is a strategy in place it is time to execute it. She is all about getting things moving and staying focused on the agreed goals. Digital opportunities, strategic approach and future horizons excite her. She is especially interested in the ways digitalisation can support sustainability and always keeps her eyes open for new opportunities and partnerships.
Vesa Vuorinen
Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulun ‘Liiketalous ja Media’ -yksikön lehtori, B2B-myynnin vastuuvalmentaja sekä VIRMA-hankkeen projektipäällikkö.
Koulutukseltaan Vesa on elektroniikan DI ja hänellä on myös opettajan pätevyys. Taustalla yli 10 vuoden työkokemus Nokia Oystä.
Kaisa Kosonen
Kaisa is an experienced, energetic and self-driven digital development, travel industry and B2B sales professional. She enjoys looking at the big picture and putting together concrete strategies and roadmaps together with the stakeholders. When there is a strategy in place it is time to execute it. She is all about getting things moving and staying focused on the agreed goals. Digital opportunities, strategic approach and future horizons excite her. She is especially interested in the ways digitalisation can support sustainability and always keeps her eyes open for new opportunities and partnerships.