Demos Helsinki
Senior consultant, authorPetteri Lillberg (M.Phil) is the co-author of “Kestävä Markkinointi – Ilmastonmuutosopas brändeille!” (Alma Talent 2020), a noted columnist, an international speaker and a a Senior Consultant with Demos Helsinki, a leading independent think thank. Petteri focuses on strategy, foresight and societal impact across industries and organisations. In particular, he helps companies to build the next generation of valuable brands in the era of societal and climate change.
Most often, he works with
– Strategy development, foresight and insight
– Societal impact, responsibility and climate change
– Brand value and sustainable marketing
Petteri holds an M.Phil from Cambridge University. He also serves at the board of Unicef Finland.
Feel free to contact him for consultancy, speaking and training opportunities.